All Data4GreenDeal’s overall objective is to co-create and shape the European Green Deal Data Space as an open hub for findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) data and standards-based services that support the key priorities of biodiversity, climate change, circular economy, deforestation, and pollution. The focus will be on interoperability concepts that bridge the semantic and technology gaps which currently prevent stakeholders and application domains from multidisciplinary and multi-scale access to data, processing services, and processing platforms.
Atos leads WP5 (Artificial Intelligence for Data Certainty, Quality and Exploitability). ARI's contribution will be focused on the usage of data analytics and AI to support the fusion of heterogeneous data coming from diverse sources, to research about the latest advancement in Machine Learning to extract knowledge from massive amounts of data, and to develop new services powered by Data and AI that improve the capabilities of policymakers and stakeholders in the decision-making process.
ARI contributes also to the implementation of the Green Data Space.